Brain-Friendly Leadership Book

€32,95 EUR

What is ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’? Simply put, it is the bridge between the human brain and leadership. This book details the 9 habits of a future-fit mind, including management (activating your purpose, controlling your thoughts and visualising success), caring for your brain (mindfulness, food and exercise) and development (avoiding toxicity, being optimistic and lifelong learning).

Leadership is not something we only inherit, but a combination of hard work, dedication and brain training. Each chapter begins with questions you may have never asked yourself before. You are encouraged to answer and even journal your answers as you begin or continue your path as a ‘neuroleader’. Questions are then discussed with the most current knowledge to stimulate growth and cultivate new ideas. You’ll discover your strengths and areas of opportunity as you progress.

This publication is the result of a unique collaboration between Silvia Damiano, a leading specialist in neurobiology and leadership, and Juan Carlos Cubeiro, an international Spanish expert in talent, coaching and author of fifty books on leadership in the workplace, in sports and in society. The insights you will gain from ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ can help improve your health, happiness and wellbeing.