Akashic Records Reading & Spiritual Healing Session with Relmi Damiano

Connect to your essence! Experience healing and personal growth through the wisdom of the Akashic Records.

$250.00 USD
Online Session60 minutesDigital Journal + Artwork

Hello and welcome my friend! 

My name is Relmi Damiano and I am the Creative Director of the About my Brain™ Institute. I am also an Intuitive, Akashic Records Reader, Artist, Dancer and Meditation Teacher.

It's a source of great joy for me to bring you into the enchanting world of the Akashic Records. I am honoured to be your guide as you navigate this journey of self-discovery and profound transformation.

I was born in the beautiful mountain town San Martin De Los Andes in the Patagonian region of Argentina. Although Australia has been my home for a considerable portion of my life, I feel a deep connection to my birth country. In the Mapuche dialect, “Relmi” signifies for “Rainbow”. This colorful designation has perpetually sparked my pursuit of beauty, colour and vivid imagery, propelling me into the realm of artistic exploration and symbolism.

At the age of 13, a photography course opened the doors to my creative side. Being dyslexic, art became a more intuitive medium for me than the struggles of more logical, numerical, or structured pursuits. Yet now, harnessing my creativity has empowered me to overcome areas in life that once felt daunting in my younger years.

Now, as a creative director, entrepreneur, artist, dancer, and co-founder of the About my Brain™ Institute, I am deeply committed to guiding others in tapping into their higher selves, awakening their innate creative and intuitive strengths.

Throughout my professional career, I've observed that by integrating our mind, brain, body, and spirit, and kindling our inner inspiration while harnessing our imagination and intuition, we can achieve profound purpose and fulfilment in life. Watch my

TEDx talk on this here!

Moreover, having seen this transformative effect in countless individuals in the work we do at the About my Brain™ Institute, I'm convinced that these capabilities can indeed serve as guiding lights in both personal and professional pursuits.

Throughout my journey, I've ventured into the realms of biohacking and a variety of healing techniques including breathwork. In 2015, I trained as a yoga and meditation teacher. Additionally, I have co-facilitated leadership, personal development and well-being programs and retreats with the About my Brain™ Institute.

During that same time period, I discovered and wholeheartedly embraced the world of dance, with a particular passion for Afro-Brazilian rhythms, especially Samba. Embarking on a journey into dance as an adult had a profound impact on me, enhancing various aspects of my life, from grounding and expanding my energy centers, to numerous other transformative experiences. You can read more about how dancing changed my mental, physical (and spiritual) health here.

In 2018, I was fortunate to undertake an immersive neurofeedback Alpha brain wave training at the Biocybernaut Institute in Sedona, USA. This was yet another incredible experience that completely unlocked my brain and intuition, allowing me to release deep-seated limiting beliefs and helping my mind further explode into the beautiful world of imagination and healing.

Fueled by an insatiable curiosity for spiritual exploration, I've dedicated several years to deepening my understanding in psychic development, meditation, visualisation, numerology, tarot and oracle readings, lucid dreaming, drumming, and invoking spiritual awareness through dance.

Through the synchronicities of the universe, I was guided to train under the amazing Rohini Moradi, an internationally recognised Akashic expert who established Magic Inclined. This training ignited my evolution as an intuitive, amplifying the inherent talents that have subtly surfaced from behind the veil over the years.

Throughout my explorations as a creative and the learnings I have gathered from the incredible worlds of neuroscience, quantum physics, personal growth, and leadership at the About my Brain™ Institute, I am truly honoured to present a harmoniously woven journey into the Akashic Records.

With love and beautiful rainbow light :)

Relmi x

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If you’ve been seeking a sign, this is your moment.

Now is the time to embrace your full potential and tap into your spiritual intelligence. Exploring the Akashic Records will enable you to seek direction and acquire insights about the essence of your existence.

Harness the power of your cosmic history.

My sessions are designed to guide you on a journey of self-exploration, using vibrant visualizations to facilitate a deep connection with your soul and spiritual guides. You will gain insights into your life purpose as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Additionally, the records will provide you with techniques and strategies for your personal and spiritual development. 

What’s included in my readings? 👇

What’s included?

Beyond a reading! Also get a digital reflection journal + personalized artwork!

The session begins with a grounding meditation with breathing techniques, accompanied by binaural beats designed to facilitate a connection to the Akashic Records. This is followed by a guided visualization that draws insights from the Akashic Realm and Spiritual Guides.


The session typically provides insights into recurring patterns, unresolved traumas, and karmic influences that may be affecting you. My process involves releasing negative energy, forgiving past hurts, and gaining clarity on your life path. Finally, you will receive guidance on how to integrate these insights and healing into your daily life. This might include exercises, affirmations, or additional spiritual practices.


Since the session is designed to immerse you in the Akashic Realm in a deeply relaxed state, it will be recorded for your convenience. This allows you to keep your eyes closed and fully immerse yourself in the experience and healing without worrying about taking notes or getting distracted by your surroundings. By doing so, we can capture any intuitive insights and deepen connection to the Akashic Realm.


After we conclude the exploration of the Akashic Records, we'll take a moment for a short debriefing to ensure you feel grounded and centered as you transition back to your regular state of awareness. Should any questions arise in the weeks following your session, or if you need further clarification, please reach out via email.


I will create a personalised digital artwork that is a visual representation inspired by the insights and imagery that manifest in my mind's eye during your reading (7-day turnaround). This piece will provide you with a lasting visual anchor.


After the session, along with your recording, you will be provided with personalized digital PDF journal containing your unique artwork and questions designed to help you reflect on your experience. As you listen to the recording and take notes, you will be able to integrate and apply the insights that surfaced during the reading.



More information about the Akashic Records Reading!

The Akashic Records represent a comprehensive vibrational archive of every thought, experience, event, interaction, and emotion of every soul throughout all of time. They encompass the entirety of existence. Each individual soul possesses its own Akashic Record, and each soul has the ability to access its own record.

For millennia, visionaries, gurus, and wise souls from diverse global traditions have delved into the Akashic Records – a vast archive containing insights into every soul and its journey. Think of it as the universe's search engine, specifically for the soul. This boundless reservoir of knowledge and restorative energy stands ready to address your every query, whether monumental or minute. 

I access the Akashic Realm with a non-dogmatic Akashic TAP-IN© process pioneered by my teacher and mentor Rohini Moradi from Magic Inclined. In our session, we will be channelling answers and information from your spiritual team of ascended masters, teachers from the past, and loved ones whom you have known in this lifetime and have passed.

In the context of the Akashic Records, the term “spiritual team” typically refers to a group of spiritual guides, guardians, or beings that are believed to oversee and assist with the access and interpretation of the information contained within the records. They may include:

  • Ascended Masters: Enlightened beings who have been guiding your soul since its incarnation. You may have a connection to these energies.

  • Souls from your past lives: Individuals with whom you have shared previous lifetimes.

  • Departed loved ones: Individuals whom you have known in your current lifetime but who have transitioned from their earthly existence.

  • Spirit Animals: It is very likely for spirit animals or nature to also grace us with their presence during our readings.

The Akashic Records embody a sacred realm of love, healing, and support, serving as a sanctuary and nurturing space for all aspects of creation as we know it. Our session will commence with a brief introduction, followed by a breathing exercise and a grounding meditation. After establishing a connection, I will proceed to access your records using an Akashic TAP-IN© technique.

Once I announce, “The records are now open”, I will allow a few minutes for any information to emerge before we begin asking specific questions. After this point, you are welcome to pose any questions you have. Once the question-and-answer segment is complete, we close the records and I will conduct a closing debrief summary.

The Akashic Records is a healing spiritual practice as it involves accessing a metaphysical compendium of all knowledge, experiences, and memories of every soul that has ever lived.

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Accessing the Records: We will prepare to enter the records through a meditative and trance-like state.
  2. Reading the Records: Once the Records are accessed, I will seek information relevant to your current issues, past life experiences, or soul's journey. This information is believed to offer insights into recurring patterns, unresolved traumas, or karmic influences affecting that may be affecting you.
  3. Healing Process: Through the spiritual guidance of the guides and reading the Akashic Records, I will help you understand and process the information retrieved. This understanding can lead to emotional, mental, and spiritual healing by addressing root causes of issues. The process often involves releasing negative energy, forgiving past hurts, and gaining clarity on your life path.
  4. Integration and Guidance: After the session, I will provide guidance on how to integrate the insights and healing into your daily life. This might include exercises, affirmations, or further spiritual practices.

Many who engage in Akashic Records healing report a deep sense of peace, clarity, and resolution of persistent problems.

I encourage you to approach your questions with an open mind, without becoming overly attached to specific outcomes. When I access your Akashic Records, I am delving into the essence of your soul, and it is essential to allow intuitive flow to guide our session.

Common topics for questions include relationships, significant life decisions, patterns and obstacles that hinder personal empowerment, finances, career, creativity, and health. Avoid asking “yes/no” questions. The greatest gift of being human lies in free will. The records will not dictate what you should do; instead, they will offer options, guidance and advice.

Remember, this is your reading, and you can ask any question you like 🙂. However, to initiate the reading, a powerful question to begin with is, “What do I need to know right now?”. This inquiry allows your spiritual team to bring forth crucial matters that require your attention.

Here are a few sample questions:

  1. What is the most important information for me to be aware of at this moment?
  2. How many past lives have I experienced?
  3. What is the primary lesson I need to learn in this lifetime?
  4. What are my inherent gifts and talents?
  5. How can I make the most meaningful contributions to the world?
  6. Which realm or origin does my soul originate from?
  7. Can you reveal any significant past lives that hold relevance for me?
  8. Are there any unresolved aspects from previous lifetimes that are impacting my current life, and if so, how can I become aware of them?

My sessions take place via Zoom and typically run for around 60 minutes. The session will be recorded for you to keep. Being able to conduct Akashic Records readings remotely provides a potent and convenient way to access this deep well of information and insight from anywhere in the world. The session will commence with both of our cameras turned on during introductions, and once we start the reading, we can turn them off to ensure your comfort. I also usually have my eyes closed! 😊

When I read for you, I will be focusing on information that pertains directly to you and is seen from your soul’s perspective. If you are curious about your spouse, partner, sibling, parent, friend, etc., we can only explore the lessons you are meant to learn from them and how you can best support them. The reading is dedicated solely to you, and I can only access and read the soul of an individual who is present in the session and grants me permission via the Akashic TAP-IN© process. I am unable to conduct readings for individuals under the age of 18.

Absolutely! Reading for your beloved pet is a wonderful experience. It is crucial that your pet is physically present with you during the session, and we initiate the reading with the camera turned on. With your pet’s presence, we will primarily focus on gathering insights from their soul’s perspective, specifically concerning their connection with you. While the reading primarily centers on your pet, there may be moments when we explore aspects of your soul as well in relation to them.

I suggest that you find a comfortable space, such as a couch, bed, or floor with pillows, where you and your pet can sit together. If you have a larger animal like a horse, you will need to find an enclosed area or have your horse in a stable. Your pet should ideally be on the same level as you, either in your lap or beside you, allowing you easy access to pat and comfort them during the session. If, at any point during the reading, your pet chooses to move around or walk away, feel free to let them roam the room at their own discretion. Try to have a contained space with some water and kibble so that they do not walk out of the room.

Another aspect of providing readings for pets pertains to those unfortunate moments when they must part from us. If you find yourself in the difficult situation of having to euthanize a beloved pet, I also offer an Akashic Reading Pet Passing Over Ceremony to help you and your pet during this transition. The act of conducting a passing-over ceremony can offer a sense of closure and healing, as it allows pet owners to express their love, share memories, and release any feelings of guilt or regret they may have about their pet’s life or passing.

Overall, a passing-over ceremony can be a deeply meaningful and therapeutic way to navigate the challenging process of saying goodbye to a beloved pet and coping with the impending loss. It is a way to honor and acknowledge the significance of the pet’s life and the bond between the pet and its owner. It allows for a more dignified and respectful transition for the pet. For the most effective experience, I recommend scheduling a session before your pet’s euthanasia, allowing us to establish a connection with their soul prior to this significant event.

To make a booking, first purchase your spot on this page. After your payment is confirmed, you will be automatically directed to my booking calendar. The calendar includes a drop-down menu that will automatically detect your timezone and display available times in your region. To confirm your reservation, simply choose a date and time that suits you best. As my readings are limited and offered globally, there may be instances where time zones really do not align (e.g middle of the night 😴 for you). If this occurs, please don't hesitate to reach out, and we can explore alternative times.

  • Given my limited availability, should you require rescheduling or wish to cancel, please utilize the provided links included in the calendar invitation or in your booking confirmation email and ensure a minimum of 48-hour notice prior to the session.
  • In cases of cancellations, reschedules or no-shows within the 48-hour timeframe, a new payment equivalent to 50% of the reading's value will be necessary. A payment link will be sent to secure your new booking. In the event that unforeseen circumstances require rescheduling on my end, rest assured that this will be done at no additional cost to you.
  • The booking fee is non-refundable, but it is transferable to another individual. A refund will only be offered in the event that I am personally unable to conduct the reading.
  • It's important to acknowledge that this practice is considered metaphysical and spiritual, and its effectiveness can vary, offering unique and personal benefits to each individual.

Relmi Damiano is the Creative & Managing Director at the About my Brain Institute. Watch her 2024 TEDx Talk, “Biohacking Your Creative Self” where she addresses the detrimental impact of digital distractions and advocates for cultivating imagination and creativity.

Relmi's career began in 2005 as a young artist and photographer, quickly gaining recognition and exhibiting her work in prestigious shows such as the Melbourne and Sydney Art Shows, as well as in galleries across Australia. With formal training in digital media, graphic, and brand design, she has worked with clients in Australia, Europe, and the USA. 

She co-founded the About my Brain™ Institute in 2009 with her mother, renowned leadership expert, author and scientist Silvia Damiano. Their vision is to democratise leadership and neuroscience by transforming how we develop the human, the leader, and the creative within us all. Relmi has played a pivotal role in the creative direction and global operations of the institute, creating products, educational content, and co-facilitating various programs and retreats.

In 2010, Relmi and Silvia produced the first “Brain Art Project”, an international competition and exhibition that attracted over 1000 participants from around the world, exploring neuroscience, creativity, mental health, and wellbeing. This project highlighted the importance of a holistic, design-driven, and interdisciplinary approach to applying brain science to daily life.

In 2011, Relmi was invited to lecture and mentor emerging designers, initially at Billy Blue College of Design and most recently at The University of Sydney. Since then, she has been an associate faculty member, teaching subjects such as Design Innovation and Creativity, Branding, Venturing & MVP, Design Thinking, User Experience Design, Design Practice, and Management.

Relmi's design, digital strategy, and artistic expertise, combined with Silvia's extensive experience in transforming leaders and cultures, led to the establishment of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model, Methodology & Assessment Suite, and the publication of the ‘Leadership Is Upside Down’ book in 2013. They coined the term ‘Brain-Friendly Cultures’ to promote leadership practices that are more conscious, ethical, compassionate, healthy, integrated, imaginative, intuitive, and inspirational. 

Since its inception, the About my Brain™ Institute has certified thousands of practitioners and coaches globally in the i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology through their ICF CCE accredited programs. They have organised numerous events and retreats, as well as delivering brain-friendly programs in organisations worldwide. From 2015 to 2018, they hosted the i4 Tales Conference & Design Exhibition as part of the Vivid Lights Festival in Sydney, attracting over 250 participants each year to discuss these topics.

In 2018, they self-funded and produced the award-winning documentary ‘Make Me A Leader,’ featuring experts and scientists who shared how leaders can optimise brain and body performance to thrive in the 21st Century.

Relmi has also trained as a yoga and meditation teacher and explored various well-being, spiritual healing and biohacking modalities, including breath work, dance, neurofeedback, and more. In 2022, she studied under the mentorship of globally recognised expert Rohini Moradi, cultivating her intuitive skills to become an Akashic Records Practitioner.

Driven by her creative roles and passion for wellness, leadership development, biohacking, creativity, intuitive growth and spiritual intelligence, Relmi firmly believes that activating one's imagination and intuition can unlock a clear sense of purpose and fulfilment in life.

In “Biohacking Your Creative Self,” Relmi Damiano drew on her personal journey from a dyslexic child inspired by the colours and beauty of her native Argentinian Patagonia to a successful photographer and designer. She shared how embracing her creative strengths led her to explore various forms of artistic expression, including dance, and how these pursuits have been crucial to her overall well-being and professional success. She emphasised that everyone possesses innate imagination and creativity, debunking the myth that these traits are exclusive to certain individuals.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Akashic Records Expert


It is with great pleasure and the utmost confidence that I endorse Relmi, a graduate of our Akashic Teacher Training Program. From day one, Relmi exhibited an extraordinary commitment to mastering the art and science of Akashic readings.

One of the most commendable aspects of her journey was her unyielding dedication and hard work. Relmi was exceptionally patient with herself during the learning process, allowing her skills to flourish naturally and fully. This patience, combined with her commitment, sets her apart as a remarkable practitioner in our field.

Her readings are not just accurate; they are a sublime experience for anyone fortunate enough to be her client. She possesses a unique talent for presenting complex insights in a clear and beautiful manner, effortlessly guiding individuals toward transformative realizations.

Relmi is a professional who adds immeasurable value to this field, and I am thrilled to see where her talents will take her next. If you have the opportunity to work with or learn from her, seize it—you won't be disappointed.

Magic Inclined

Watch my TEDx Talk

Biohacking Your Creative Self


What are people saying?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“The Akashic Record reading I had with Relmi was magical! She was able to connect with my records so deeply to provide clarity on questions I’ve had for a while. She gave me confirmation on things I was seeking confirmation on without me asking and connected me with a loved one that has been guiding me for quite some time. This gave me great comfort. Her process and the way she conducts her sessions are beautiful and I was so grateful for the service and guidance she provided. Truly a magical experience!”

- Stacey

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Now I should preface by saying I feel I have a good understanding of the mechanics of the universe and have had akashic readings before, with little 'resonations' so I had chalked them up as 'fun' interactions. I had an experience with someone that I knew I had a connection with. I wanted to find out more about this so without providing leading information to Relmi, she quickly locked on to some very significant points. At this point, I knew this reading was legit and she was absolutely connected to my field. Then it got even more interesting when she connected to one of my guides... now this I feel is additionally beautiful because along with her skills in accessing the Akash, she's now tapped into mediumship which further enhanced the reading and the information I walked away with! All I can say is Relmi is more than skilled in accessing the Akashic Records and I am hugely grateful for that iteration and very much hope for future interactions with her. Love To All”

- Ty

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I cannot express how helpful the reading has been for me. I am feeling very different since our session - firstly, I’ve taken up the advice given and have been singing non-stop, and I have genuinely noticed that my communication with others feels more authentic and effortless compared to before. I am also observing that people around me are responding differently (in a positive way). I feel like I have connected to a deeper part of myself and am less “in my head” about things - it’s almost as if my mind and emotions are more in sync now, and I am experiencing a sense of personal control/power that I’ve not felt before. Initially, it did feel a little out of my comfort zone, but I surrendered to the change, and already it is starting to feel more and more as if I’m settling into a truer version of myself. I also did some research into ways to heal the throat chakra, and I came across the connection between the throat and sacral chakras - it totally explains the block we talked about and its link to conceiving a child. Wow!! Thank you so much for your assistance, and thank you so much for enabling me to feel closer to all the beautiful guides, masters and loving energies that exist around me. With love and gratitude.”

- Gagandeep

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I had an Akashic Reading with Relmi and it was incredible! Relmi was very informative and had excellent communication right from the start. She set the expectation and the result was outstanding! She was able to give me much needed insight and guidance. Relmi is gifted and intuitive and I would highly recommend her services to all!”

- Dina

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Thank you so much for the magical reading, I'm so grateful for the time you spent with me. I really needed to hear what was communicated today and what came up is so aligned to what I'm currently experiencing in my life. The detail of the imagery that came through was just incredible and I could feel myself standing in that exact space. I really resonated with what was brought to light and I feel so at peace and excited to continue on my journey. You have such a gift. Thank you, Relmi. Much love.”

- Bronwyn

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“The reading was amazing! Relmi was incredibly accurate, not just in the moment but the synchronicities that aligned in the following weeks reinforced the messages she delivered. Upon moving forward after our time together and spirit animal research, I found an even deeper clarity on the meanings and messages. Relmi was descriptive, encouraging, clear and accurate. I left our time together feeling more in tune with myself and the Universe. As a reiki practitioner and intuitive energy worker, it’s important to me to work with other practitioners who bring a healthy and positive vibration to their work and Relmi does just that! I highly encourage anyone seeking a reading to reach out, your future self will smile with appreciation.”


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I simply can't thank Relmi enough for our session. I find the subject of the akashic records absolutely fascinating, but I'd never experienced it first hand, and I feel so incredibly blessed that I did with Relmi’s incredible assistance. Within the first few moments, everything she said just resonated and gave me goosebumps. I actually felt that through Relmi I was accessing the most divine guidance. At one point of our reading she mentioned Whales quite a few times and told me to look up the significance of whales. And then as life panned out, two weeks later I was swimming with amazing creatures with the sun on my face, which was one of the most magical experiences ever. I cannot recommend Relmi and her amazing work enough, it gave me the most perfect confirmation and assurance at the perfect moment. Thank you Relmi”

- Chris

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Relmi is simply incredible. I was truly amazed how much insight Relmi was able to tune into and the wise advice given was invaluable. Relmi is one of a kind, with a remarkable gift. I would highly recommend her for a reading, you will be glad you did. Thank you, Relmi!”

- Sophia

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I received a reading for my best friend Sammy, my beloved companion pet of 12 years. For the last 8 years, we were inseparable. Relmi connected with Sammy’s spirit and soul just a few hours before I had to say my forever goodbye due to his significant illnesses. I admit I didn’t want to let him go, selfishly, but I knew it was the right choice for his well-being. The reading proved to be a cathartic experience, soothing my soul and easing my emotions. What amazed me even more was that Sammy was fully engaged in the reading, attentively following Relmi’s words. Relmi described Sammy on a boat, which resonated deeply with us as we often enjoyed our time together in my kayak and on my paddle board, activities he adored. She also mentioned a pink water lily, the flower for July, coincidentally the month Sammy was born. Relmi did not know my boy was born in July. The bond between Sammy and me was indescribable, and his absence pains me deeply. He was not just a pet but my best friend and therapy dog. We understood each other in a way that only close friends can. I am immensely grateful to Relmi for providing me with a special image of my dear Sammy, one that I hold close to my heart. To all pet parents, when your beloved companion pet embarks on their final journey, consider a reading like this to celebrate the beautiful life you shared.”

- Carl & Sammy

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Oracle Cards interview with Relmi & Silvia Damiano