The i4 Neuroleader™ Model & Methodology
Learn about underpinning concepts and science behind the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment.
Who is this assessment for?
Designed for individuals and teams seeking to assess and enhance their leadership abilities while boosting their well-being and resilience.Coaches, leadership facilitators, consultants and entrepreneurs.
Leaders and their teams from private or public sectors.
University students aspiring to refine their leadership skills.
Individuals interested in cultivating their leadership skills.
The details!No. To access the i4 Neuroleader™ Course you will need to purchase our other package which includes the 360° Feedback Assessment.
The i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment has been designed together with all-inclusive learning resources that provide an end-to-end experience for those looking for transformational leadership development and wellbeing program. If you are opting to purchase the Self Assessment instead of the 360° Feedback Assessment, you can still access our free resources which includes;
- Articles on our blog,
- Our documentary
- Various videos on our YouTube Channel
- Our Debrief Guide
At its core, the assessment and learning resources take into account cutting-edge research in neuroscience and neuroplasticity: the brain’s ability to change and the relationship between brain and body. This led to the inclusion of concepts that are not included in other leadership models such as: inspiration, imagination, intuition and brain and body integration.
Every assessment measures different factors and should be used within the context they were developed for. If you are working with personality theory, for example, you would use a specific questionnaire different to the one that should be used if you want to assess thinking or behavioural styles.
The i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment does not compare to any other offerings in the market, however, it can certainly be used in conjunction with other programs and assessments whenever necessary.
The tool has been built to assess and promote the mindsets and attitudes that support meaningful organisational growth and development around the competencies that individuals need now and in the future of work: Performance, Collaboration, Innovation and Agility.
The i4 Neuroleader™ Model & Methodology was first conceptualised by Silvia Damiano, who founded the About my Brain™ Institute in 2009.
With a science background combined with 20 years of experience in leadership development, Silvia created the i4 Neuroleader™ Model after collating and analysing the most recent and cutting-edge neuroscience findings and health applied to leadership.
Other inputs that contributed to the development of the model and assessment, included interviews with experts, surveys and analysis of the traits of inspirational leaders conducted at a global scale across a variety of industries over a 4 year period.
The outcome of this research was the development of a 128-item questionnaire that assesses the abilities, traits, attitudes and behaviours that underpin the meta-competencies of Performance, Collaboration, Innovation and Agility. These 4 competencies are divided into 4 sub-scales called ‘pillars’ totalling 16 (see below). Out of the 128 items, each pillar is made up of 8 assessable items.
Once the i4 Neuroleader™ Model was tested and its impact studied, the process of developing the assessment commenced in 2012. The assessment was officially launched in 2013 after a period of prototyping, testing & statistical analysis. In 2014, Silvia Damiano published the book “Leadership is Upside Down: The i4 Neuroleader Revolution” which describes the research and the rationale of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model as well as the business case of why we need to look at leadership through a new lens to thrive in the 21st Century.

The i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment is a competency-based tool that measures a set of abilities, traits, attitudes and behaviours which can easily be self-assessed as well as observed and rated by others. This assessment does not define who you are, your preferences, nor put you ‘in a box’. The 360° feedback process will give you a clear indication of your strengths and limitations perceived by you and others, as well as blind spots. You will be able to pinpoint the exact areas in your work and personal life that need change in order for you to lead more effectively and enhance your wellbeing. We provide practical strategies and guidance so you can take immediate action and learn how to develop the competencies and abilities of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model.
Yes, we do! Witnessing your evolution and growth has never been easier with our progress reporting. When you re-assess yourself, your progress results are plotted in an infographic in your new i4 Neuroleader™ Report. We recommend that a remeasure takes place after 12 months of reflection, learning and application of the strategies recommended in the i4 Neuroleader™ Course or our free resources.
As creatures of habit, our neural pathways have to rewire in order to make a change. What is measured gets done and what is reassessed gets reinforced. Our assessment pricing is structured as an annual subscription which includes 1 assessment per year with access to our learning resources (when you purchase the 360° feedback assessment).
Our FAQ Help Centre is filled with instructional guides for participants and practitioners on how to complete the assessment. We also provide dedicated email technical support for anyone who requires an extra helping hand. We also offer a self-paced virtual debrief which provides you with additional information on how to interpret your results. If you would like to take this even further, you can choose to purchase a one-on-one virtual coaching session at checkout, and you will be connected with one of our i4 Practitioners.
If you wish to purchase the i4 Neuroleader™ Self Assessment on behalf of another person or for a group of people, please contact us.
All our prices are based on USD. You can view prices in your local currency at the current exchange rate by using the currency drop-down menu in the top-right corner, which is automatically set for your region. Prices in currencies other than USD may fluctuate daily due to exchange rate changes. To see our fixed pricing, please select USD. When you make a purchase, the total amount charged will reflect the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
We are an Australian company and all pricing listed on our website is exclusive of Australian Sales Tax (GST), which is 10%. Tax only applies to Australian residents and/or registered Australian companies and 10% will be added when purchasing products and services on our website. Based on the digital service tax (DST), our offering falls into the category of ‘educational exempt products and services’ for most regions around the world. This means that for non-Australian residents and/or companies, the sales tax does not apply.